Hello Seniors:
As you LOOK BACK OVER YOUR SHOULDER at 2008, while 2009 charges forward - consider the ways you can make this a New YOU Year in our senior English class:
1. Take more initiative: Ask yourself, am I taking steps I already know I should take or am I waiting for someone to tell me?
2. Share your talents: Ask yourself, is there something I know how to do - and love practicing it - that I can express in my assignments and participation? What talents and skills can I offer to the class?
3. Get more involved: Ask yourself, am I doing the minimum and passing or is there some more I could do to have a richer experience with the class, the content and the teacher? Be more of a team member rather than a spectator on the sidelines!
4. Tell people, "Thank you," it means a lot: Ask yourself, who can I thank in my life who gives me what I need and what I want each day I make it out into the world? Count your blessings, too - chances are you have many to be thankful for in these times!
5. Wake Up! You either "Get it or you don't": Make an effort to be on time, always; make an effort to show others you care; show that you know why you are here (in school) and that you know fully and complete fully what has to be done to be successful. This isn't only about grades, though. You either GET IT OR YOU DON'T in the ways you treat other people and the attitudes you have every day!
So, here's wishing you and your family many blessings for the new year!
By the way, that is KING JAMES looking over his shoulder as 2008 and MOSES charging forward as 2009!
See you next week!
- Mr. Gagnon
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